Are you ready to bump and be bumped? However, while enjoying a game or two of Bubble Soccer, don’t forget that safety should still be your number 1 priority. So here are 5 tips to ensure you have a Humpty Dumpty time while playing Bubble Soccer safely:
Suit Up Properly & Securely
The first step to ensuring that everyone’s safety during a Bubble Soccer match is to don your Bubble Soccer suits correctly and securely. Before the start of your Bubble Soccer match, our facilitators will show you exactly how to put them on. If you have any queries, do sound out and ask for help! Especially if your suit feels weird/loose. Thereafter, test your Bubble Soccer suits by running around to see if it’s alright.
Monitor How You’re Feeling
If you’re feeling unwell, please do not participate in any adrenaline pumping team building activity such as Bubble Bump. This might actually make you feel much worse as you’re going to be running, bumping and falling a lot. If you do feel uncomfortable at any juncture during the game, speak up to the facilitators/game masters too! It’s okay to back out of the game and get a replacement. If needed, our facilitators can join you in the Bubble Soccer game too!
Do Not Resist The Fall
There’s nothing to be embarrassed about if you’re being bumped onto the ground. This doesn’t dictate your strength, not the win/lose outcome of your Bubble Soccer game. Instead, resisting a fall may result in injuries as you’re definitely not going to be able to resist a bump and remain standing. Therefore, our advice is to quickly roll over and get back on your feet.
Look At The Demographic Of Your Team/Opponents
We know that you can be really excited to dive right into your Bubble Soccer game. If you’re playing against females, or even older players, so please please please be a little more mindful and not exert 100% percent of your strength on bumping them! However, you too shouldn’t be too surprised if you meet with really sporting ladies who will show you who’s the boss in the game.
Contact us today to book for your next Bubble Bump team building activity with your buddies or colleagues!