Building Strong Teams: Understanding the Theory and Practice of Teambuilding


Building Strong Teams

Teamwork is crucial for business success. However, building a strong and cohesive team can be a challenge, especially if you have team members with differing personalities and working styles. In this article, you will learn more about the theory behind team building and the secrets to build a unified team that works effectively together.

What is Team Building?

According to psychologist Bruce Tuckman, team building development can be broken down into 4 stages: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. In the forming stage, team members are getting to know each other and establishing their roles. In the storming stage, team members may clash as they assert their authority, but it’s an opportunity to find common ground. During the norming stage, team members work together more effectively, develop camaraderie and trust. Finally, in the performing stage, the team works seamlessly and achieves its goals.


How can you develop a strong team?

Building a cohesive team leads to higher performance at work and higher retention rates.

1. Establishing clear goals and expectations

A clear understanding of what your team is trying to achieve and what is expected of each team member is the foundation for building a strong team. It helps to create a sense of purpose and direction, which in turn motivates and inspires team members to work towards a common goal.Hosting a quarterly meeting can be extremely beneficial to your team, as it provides you with the opportunity to establish different company goals and expectations for different team members. In-turn enabling them to better deliver results as it provides a clearer pathway to success.

2. Having open communication and feedback

Open communication and feedback are essential for building a strong team. It allows team members to express their ideas and opinions, which promotes a sense of trust and mutual respect. Effective communication enables team members to understand each other better, prevent conflicts, and work together more effectively.Team leaders should take charge of fostering a safe communication channel for everyone and allow members to openly communicate without the fear of judgement.

3. Building trust

Trust is a crucial element of a strong team. It creates an environment where team members feel safe to share their thoughts and opinions, take risks and be vulnerable. It is a key pillar required for companies to foster loyal and productive team members that collectively collaborate with one another to achieve the team’s goals.To build trust, an environment of transparency, accountability and honesty should be fostered.

4. Incorporating team building activities

Incorporating team building activities can serve as a great way to rejuvenate an overworked team and also serves as a great opportunity to celebrate the success and individual contributions of team members. Hosting team building activities shows the care the leader/company has for their employees and boosts the morale of team members.

List of Team Building Activities

Here are some of the team building activities for work that can build a strong team.

1. Bubble Soccer

This unique team building activity combines soccer and zorbing, a sport where players wear inflatable balls. Bubble soccer is a fun and active way to get your team moving and working together.

2. Archery Tag

This exciting activity combines archery and dodgeball. The objective is to tag your opponents with foam-tipped arrows while dodging their shots. Archery tag requires strategy, teamwork, and communication to succeed.

3. Laser Tag

A classic team building activity, laser tag requires players to work together to accomplish the objective. This game requires communication, strategy, and quick thinking to win.

4. Bumball

A fun, fast-paced game that combines elements of soccer and field hockey. Bumball requires teamwork, coordination, and communication to score goals and win.

5. Floorball

Similar to hockey, floorball is a fun and active team building activity that requires players to work together to score goals and prevent the other team from scoring.

6. Sword tag

This unique activity combines fencing and tag. Players must tag their opponents with foam swords while avoiding being tagged themselves. Sword tag requires strategy, communication, and quick reflexes to succeed.

7. Splash Tag

This activity is perfect for summer team building events. Players must chase each other around a water-filled arena while trying to tag their opponents with water guns. Splash tag requires coordination, teamwork, and communication to win.

8. Dodgeball

Dodgeball is a classic team building activity that requires strategy, coordination, and communication. Players must work together to eliminate the opposing team while dodging their throws.

9. Telematch

Telematch is a series of team building activities that can be customised to meet the specific needs of your team. This activity can be customised to meet the specific needs of your team. The activity includes a variety of physical and mental challenges that require teamwork, communication, and problem solving skills.


In conclusion, building a strong and cohesive team is crucial for business success, but it can be a challenge due to differing personalities and working styles. By understanding the four stages of team building, establishing clear goals and expectations, having open communication and feedback, building trust, and incorporating team building activities, team leaders can create a supportive environment that encourages team members to work together effectively towards a common goal. Building a strong team takes time and effort, but the benefits of a unified and productive team are invaluable to any organisation.